What Makes Us Human? Harrow Lunch Club's Eye-Opening Journey at Wellcome Collection

Harrow Lunch Club were treated to a brilliant tour of the Being Human exhibition at the Wellcome Collection this week, led by the enchanting Timothy and interpreted by Michelle. The Wellcome collection is a part art gallery, part science museum, and runs its tours in a unique way: each tour is completely different, and linked to the tour guide's area of interest. Tim's tour focussed on genetics, specifically the topic of how we can now change the DNA of future generations through scientific discoveries; curing illnesses, disability, and perhaps even Deafness?

The talk gave members a fantastic opportunity to engage, debate, and really think about if we should really be messing around with changing our children's DNA, and if we do, who gets to choose what to 'cure' and what doesn't need curing? 

Members chipped in a shared their wide range of opinions, to disagree with each other's points, and to think about what makes us really human. What do you think? 

Are you Deaf and aged 55+? Come and join one of our Lunch Clubs! Get in touch to find out more by emailing community@remark.uk.com.

Special thanks to the Wellcome Collection for a fantastic tour, and for their great focus an accessibility! We hope to be back soon!

All of Remark! Community's Lunch Clubs are generously supported by The National Lottery Community Fund.

Over 55sRosa Whicker